Access Webmail in Outlook


  1. Open Your Outlook.
    outlook Access Webmail in Outlook
  2. Next, go to file at the top left side and click add new account.
    add account Access Webmail in Outlook
  3. After clicked, enter your email address and click Connect.
    add email Access Webmail in Outlook
  4. Select IMAP.
    IMAP Access Webmail in Outlook
  5. Next, enter your incoming mail and outgoing mail (after ‘@’)
  6. Incoming mail Port: 993Outgoing mail Port: 465
  7. Tick require logon using Secure Password Authentication(SPA) and encrption method: SSL/TLS.
    finishform Access Webmail in Outlook
  8. After that, click next and enter the webmail password.
    password Access Webmail in Outlook
  9. After click on Connect and click on Done.
  10. Complete.

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